Industrial Park Management

The City and Borough of Sitka owns the Gary Paxton Industrial Park. It entered into a services contract with the Sitka Economic Development Association to perform all the duties and functions of the Director of the Gary Paxton Industrial Park who are responsible for the overall supervision and direction of the affairs of the industrial park. The Director's duties and responsibilities are outlined in Section 2.38.12 of Ordinance No. 2000-1568.

The Gary Paxton Industrial Park follows the City of Sitka's bid process, read more about the process HERE.

The following is the organizational chart on how the industrial park is managed:

All GPIP meetings are open to the public & encouraged to attend. Upcoming meetings are listed HERE.

All GPIP meetings are open to the public & encouraged to attend. Upcoming meetings are listed HERE.

Our current GPIP Board Roster can be found here.